The Role of Research Practice Partnerships in Stabilizing the child Care Workforce
Daphna Bassok, Anna J. Markowitz
Seeking Questions from the Field: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Childhood Education Research-Practice Partnerships' Approaches to Identifying Research Questions
Joanna L. Meyer, Clare Waterman, George A. Coleman, Michael Strambler
Virginia's Kindergarten Readiness Program Adapts to Make Data Relevant During COVID-19
Amanda Williford, Jessica Whittaker, Jenna Conway, Tamilah Richardson, Lisa Howard
Crisis Response, Racial Equity Capacity Building: Lessons from one Research-Practice Partnership
Spring Dawson-McClure, Shanika Gunaratna, Kai-ama Hamer, Laurie Brotman
Balancing Rigor and Timeliness in the Time of COViD-19
Christina Weiland, Jason Sachs, Meghan McCormick, JoAnn Hsueh, Catherine Snow, Anne Taylor
Supporting Pre-K for All in a Pandemic: A Partnership Between New York University and the New York City Department of Education
Rachel Abenavoli, Jessica Siegel, Jeffrey Kitrosser, Adrienne Dominguez, Josh Wallack, Elise Cappella, Pamela Morris
Leveraging the Capacity of Research-Practice Partnerships During COVID-19
Maia Connors, Amanda G. Stein, Eleni L. Manos